Teaching Vacancy Pool


To start in September 2025, we are looking for teachers, including ECTs, to join our St Teresa of Calcutta Multi Academy Company (MAC) family.

We offer you a working environment where you are nurtured and valued as an individual with unique gifts and talents and where you have opportunities to grow and develop as a professional.



We recognise that applying for a teaching position, particularly your first teaching position, is a big step. We want to support you in ensuring you make the right decision, that you apply not just for any teaching position, but the teaching position and the school that is right for you.

You will join a community of enthusiastic teachers committed to making a difference to the lives of children. To assist you with this, we are offering you the opportunity to attend a ‘St Teresa of Calcutta MAC Experience Day’ and following this, if you are interested in working in one of St Teresa of Calcutta MAC schools, an opportunity to apply for our St Teresa of Calcutta MAC teacher pool. This is a groundbreaking idea that will allow you to apply for teaching positions before they are advertised.

Click link below for more information.




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